Constantly, all day, all week, all month,
we are pushed into a box,
do this, wear that,
eat nothing at all,
“Nothing tastes better than how skinny feels”
The box smells
of expired perfume,
and arsenic
The box is shaped,
as an hourglass
at this hour,
but what about tomorrow?
“I hate my fat-ass thighs”
It has a different muse,
today your thighs are in,
and next month you
better stop chewing
you have to slim them down
The box is everchanging,
morphing and twisting
into something new
“Top 10 Ways To Get A Thinner Waist”
You must fit in
the box at all times,
no matter what the hell
you have to do
Starve, eat more,
‘looksmaxx’, meal-replacements,
work out today, yoga tomorrow,
pilates next month
Fit, Fit,
no matter how tight
the box is,
no matter what
your body needs
to survive
Fit, Fit,
into the box,
that’s the #1 priority
“God, I hate my stomach fat, I need to slim down”
The box is everchanging,
morphing and twisting
into something new
The box is never satisfied,
so rip it to shreds,
with your beautiful fucking body,
break away from the norms,
with stretch marks,
and stomach fat,
with hip dips,
and a double chin
Rip the box to shreds,
because bodies suck,
but you do not
Those last few lines!!!
You have no right to go this hard!